Mail-bot with replies

This is @Starred requesting a new widget, what I am thinking of is a Mail-bot, this bot can have a customizable email address and messages depending on the user replies, you can enable a featured called generative AI messages. This bot will only message after a question entered into a text-input the user can use to ask the AI.

Other selections could be customizable buttons with questions while replying with custom-made solution and answer, and an “Other” button with AI.

(If possible, could you implement a tone selection? This feature could use the tone check by Grammarly)

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Hi @Starred :wave:

Thank you soo much for adding your idea to the Wishlist!

I agree that this app would be a great addition to our app collection, but, I am afraid, it’s quite a tall order at the moment.

Anyway, if this request is going to gain ground, we’ll try to take your suggestion under consideration. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for the support! I understand what you said; “I am afraid, it’s quite a tall order” and yeah, making AI and linking it to custom pages is hard! As my experience as a small-time coder with HTML, that stuff is hard as I said before, I wish you a great day!

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Have a great day too :wink: