Integration with Google, Apple Business, Bing places, etc

Not really useful. You can easily add opening hours to your website without a widget. What would be useful though is when it would sync the opening hours with your Google Business profile, Bing Places, Apple Business Connect, TripAdvisor, Yelp etc.


Hi @user3786 and welcome to Community :wave:

Sure, you can add the opening hours manually, however our app provides multiple customization options which make your website more appealing.

As for the integrations, your suggestion sounds reasonable and we’ll aim to include to our future enhancements. We’ll keep you posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

It would be helpful, if, just like with the Reviews widget, the business hours could pull in from the GMB. This would be great for us, as we manage a lot of customer landing pages and are interested in minimizing the amount of time doing manual entry.

One step further, it would be nice if this widget could be made dynamic, just as with the reviews widget too, so we could develop the layout once, then identify a URL, then identify a source of Google Place ID.

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Hi @Andrew_Palmer :wave:

Yes, we agree that this integration would be extremely helpful!

I’ve moved your request to the dedicated thread. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

Hey guys, I wanted to use the Business hours widget today for the first time (actually I have approx. 25 customers who want this widget/functionality) but they all use business hours from Google My Business. They don’t want to update their hours on different platforms. It would be amazing, if you could create this solution to use your widget for this functionality. My short solution for now is to use sociablekit widget where it’s super easy to do that but I don’t like to work with several widget providers. You are my main (and best) provider and I hope you come up asap with a solution here so I can implement this widget from you to all my customers. Thanks.


Hello @Markus :wave:

Thanks a million for your detailed feedback, this is huge!

I absolutely agree that this integration would be extremely helpful. I’ve drawn our dev team’s attention to this request, and I hope they will find it possible to include this feature in our future updates :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey Max, hoping this comes sooner rather than later. SociableKit currently offers syncing with Google Business profiles so hours are updated in real time. We’d prefer to keep our business with Elf instead of splitting it.


Happy to see you with us @David_Andersen! Welcome :wave:

Yeah, I totally understand your point! Hope the devs will find a solution, and I’ll make sure to update you here once I have any news :slightly_smiling_face:

A huge thank you for pointing us in this direction!

Hi Max, just want to check back if you have any response from your dev team. Having the API to google business hours would be extremely helpful and would make this widget super useful. Brgds, Markus

Hi @Markus :wave:

Much as I’d love to share an update, unfortunately the solution hasn’t been found yet. I’m really sorry!

You see, since we get a lot of requests and the process of developing new features is quite complicated, we have to be picky and choose the most popular requests first.

If this request gains more votes, we’ll try to speed up this process. I’ll make sure to update you in case of any news :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Max,

Thank you for your fast reply. I understand the situation and will wait and hope for it in the near future :blush:



A post was merged into an existing topic: Add Tags to Store Locator

would be nice for this app to have an option to sync with google business hours so there is one source for updates on business hours when it comes to store hour changes or holiday hours.