Instragram feed not updating

  • Issue description: The hotel updated the instagram feed a few days ago, but the feed is not synchronising. Could you please help with this matter?!

  • **Link to the page with the widget in question:**

Thank you so much in advance.


Hey there and welcome to the Community @user1725 :wave:

Unfortunately, our Instagram Feed app is experiencing technical difficulties with the ‘Public Accounts & Hashtags’ connection type at the moment. Please accept my apologies for this inconvenience!

Our developers are already aware of the situation and are doing their best to fix the issue as soon as they can.

In the meantime, you can use ‘My Business Account’ or ‘My Personal Account’ connection types - Setting the source of your Instagram Feed:


As soon as the issue with the ‘Public Accounts & Hashtags’ connection is resolved, I will let you know right away.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

Hello, please update the widget Шымкент зоо (@shymkentzoo). My account

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For me it doesn’t work… Look at the screenshot please:

What I’m doing wrong?


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Hello guys @Dominik1 @user3508 :wave:

I have to say that our Instagram Feed app is currently experiencing technical difficulties with the ‘Public Accounts & Hashtags’ connection type. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

Our devs are doing their best to resolve it as soon as possible!

In the meantime, you can use ‘My Business Account’ or ‘My Personal Account’ connection types - Setting the source of your Instagram Feed:


Once the issue with the ‘Public Accounts & Hashtags’ connection is fixed, I will let you know right away.

Thank you for your patience and understanding :pray:

Thank you for the quick reply!

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Hello guys :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

The issue is finally resolved and everything should be back to normal. However, we had to temporarily increase the update cycle - the collecting of posts takes 120 hours at the moment. So if you don’t see the new posts yet, please kindly wait for the automatic feed refresh.

Our developers will gradually reduce it, once the situation is stabilized.

Please check your widgets and let me know if they work fine :slightly_smiling_face: