Instagram feed to pull posts that are tagged with both a hashtag and a mention

Instagram feed to pull posts that are tagged with both a hashtag and a mention

Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 9

Hello Monica,

Thank you for adding your idea!

I see your point and agree that an option to display tagged posts by hashtag and mention would be a great addition to the widget. We’ll try to consider it in our future updates :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for helping us!

Original comment from Omar Tan transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

I wanted to bring this back to top of mind. I agree with others that this is already a feature in the single instagram app. These apps are great, but the social feed app is more elegant if you want to have both instagram and facebook in the same grid on your website. Please consider moving this up in your development. Keep up the great work!

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Hey there @user4365 :wave:

A huge thank you for your amazing comment, this is huge!

I totally share your point! Hope the devs will find a solution, and I’ll make sure to update you here once I have any news :wink:

Any progress on this? Again, it is already a feature in the standalone instagram widget. Please consider moving this up in your development. It would save our team from doing a lot of manual work. Thank you!

Hi @user4365 :wave:

I agree that this functionality would enhance our app, but, unfortunately, we haven’t got any news to share. You see, since we get a lot of requests and the process of adding new reviews sources is not easy, we have to be picky and choose the most popular requests first.

If this idea gains more votes, we’ll try to speed up this process. I’ll keep you in the loop here :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, we would be so grateful if you could check out the other requests in Social Feed and Instagram Feed categories in the Wishlist and vote for your favorite ideas.

And of course, feel free to share your own ideas – we’d love to discuss them with you!

Your feedback is crucial, as it helps us move in the right direction :rocket: