Include posts where you are a collaborator and not the original post creator

For the widget embedded on our website with the feed of IG posts, it would be nice to also show the posts where our account is tagged as a collaborator, and not necessarily the post creator, so we can capture the posts originated from a personal/different account.

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Looking forward to this addition on the widget. Seeing as my feed exists of primarily collabs with photographers, none of my posts are currently showing up on my insta widget (except for a few old ones :cry: )

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Welcome to the Community @user8983 :wave:

I do see your point, and I’m very sorry that our widget doesn’t support this feature. We’ll try to implement support for collabs in our future enhancements. We’ll keep you updated here :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for pointing us in this direction!

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Any news on this yet?


Hi @user8983 :wave:

I am really sorry, but we haven’t got any news from our dev team.

We see that this feature is demanded and we’ll try our best to find a solution in the future. Once any news come up, I’ll immediately share them in this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @user301 :wave:

A huge thank you for sharing your idea with us!

I agree that the option to display collabs would enhance our app and we’ll try to think it over in the future :slightly_smiling_face: