Icons get translated

We use an icon library for optional icons used in buttons and inputs, which also get translated. Not sure how, but we would like to avoid those translations as well.


Hi there, @user15759 :wave:

Could you please send me a link to the page where your widget is installed? I’ll be happy to check if anything can be done :slightly_smiling_face:


We added the widget to one of our templates to showcase the translation. This template has various buttons that include an icon. Since the icons are added through a setting on or platform, we have no room to update these with regular svg-icons.

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Thank you!

I am not sure if anything can be done with it, as currently there is no to exclude specific scripts from the translation. You can upvote this request on the Wishlist - Exclude certain texts or scripts from the translation

However, our devs will double-check it and try to find a solution, but I can’t give any promises. I’ll report back once I have their response :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there, @user15759 :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

We’ve managed to stop translating the icons on your page. The text of the icons appears for a second (it’s impossible to change this), but then gets removed. Here is the code we’ve used in the Custom JS section on the Settings tab of your widget’s settings:

const originalIcons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[class*="StyledIconWrapper-sc"]'))
  .map((el) => el.textContent);

function replaceText(numOfCalls) {
  console.log('call' + numOfCalls);
  if (numOfCalls > 15) {
  const currentElements = document.querySelectorAll('[class*="StyledIconWrapper-sc"]');
  for (let i = 0; i < currentElements.length; ++i) {
    if (currentElements[i].textContent !== originalIcons[i]) {
      numOfCalls = 0;
    currentElements[i].textContent = originalIcons[i];
  return setTimeout(() => replaceText(numOfCalls + 1), 300);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);

Please check your website and let me know if you like the result :slightly_smiling_face: