so i made a weebly site and need to add it
Hi there, @user2544 and welcome aboard
We have a tutorial explain how to do this - Adding Elfsight widget to Weebly website - Elfsight Help Center
However, if any difficulties still come up, please request the installation in your dashboard and our Support Team will gladly assist
got it figured out, but it disappears when the user is using an ad blocker.
Yes, sometimes ad blockers can interfere with a widget’s performance due to one of these reasons:
1. The widget’s placement and the general structure of the page.
You can check whether the widget is being blocked separately from your website using this link - Just replace WIDGET_ID with the ID of your own widget, which is part of the installation code:
In case the widget is not being blocked at the link above, changing its placement in the structure of your website might help fix the issue.
2. Confusing a widget for an advertisement.
Unfortunately, this behaviour by your ad blocker doesn’t depend on us, and we can’t fix it on our side. I am really sorry
Let me know if this explains things or if you have any questions left.