How to install Google Reviews

@Max I know it sounds really dumb - but what are the three steps to install this on a Wix site? I’ve added the app, but don’t see where to either configure or use the widget.

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Welcome to Community @Hal_Atkins :wave:

I’ve checked your account and noticed that you have Elfsight Cloud Google Reviews, but you don’t currently have our Wix Google Reviews app.

Here’s a link that you need to use in order to log into your Elfsight account with the previous credentials - Here you’ll find your widget as well.

Glad to tell you that our Cloud apps are compatible with Wix websites, so you can also install them there. Here is an article that explains how you can do this - How to add Elfsight widget to Wix website - Elfsight Help Center.

However, if any difficulties come up, just let me know and our devs will gladly install it for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the reply, @Max - I went to the dashboard link, and searched for the Wix Reviews app to add it. Nothing comes up? Not sure how to add that to my dashboard…

@Hal_Atkins I am sorry for being not clear enough!

The link ( that I’ve provided brings to your Elfsight Dashboard. I’ve shared it becaus I see that you’ve created our Cloud Google Reviews there:

Our Cloud widgets can also be installed to Wix websites. and if you need our assistance with it, just let us know and we’ll gladly help

However, we also have Google Reviews on Wix App Market.

If you’d like to use the Wix version and install it to your website, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Wix App Market: Navigate to Google Reviews by Elfsight on Wix App Market.

  2. Install the App: Click “Add to Site” and confirm any subsequent prompts to add the app to your Wix website.

  3. Customize the Widget: Configure the widget settings directly within your Wix editor according to your preferences.

  4. Publish: Ensure your website is published so your visitors can view and interact with your new Google Reviews widget.

Both options (Elfsight Cloud and Wix) deliver a seamless integration of Google Reviews The key difference lies in where they are managed (directly within Wix or through your Elfsight account) and minor variation in customization options due to platform-specific capabilities.

Could you please let me know if this explains things or if you have any other questions?