How to different currency symbol in pricing Table

  • ** Currently i want to display HK$ instead of just as i am based in Hong Kong and do not want people to be confused with the as this can represent US dollars in stead of HK$ is there a way by code or css that i can Change the display value from to HK **

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

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Hi there and welcome to the Community @Support_SJ :wave:

No problem! This code should do the trick for you:

.eapps-pricing-table-column-price-currency {
	visibility: hidden;

.eapps-pricing-table-column-price-currency::after {
	content: 'HK$';
	display: inline-block;
    visibility: visible;

Just add it to the Custom CSS field on the Appearance tab of your widget’s settings and let me know if it helped :wink:

Ignore my last message. I got it to work

Thank you very much

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