Mix and/or Remove Currency by Column

I’m looking to build a price table that outlines a program’s benefits that only require a payment for one tier of the program. Specifically, free to join on level one ($0), a fee to upgrade ($X) and then Y points needed to reach level two and Z points needed for level three. Would be great if we could turn off a currency by column or even defining non-monetary “currency” for things like loyalty points or airline miles, for example.

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Hi @Kevin9, welcome to the Elfsight community, and thanks a lot for sharing your idea!

The details of your use case are really helpful, cuz they let us see how you’d love the feature to work exactly :slight_smile:

We’ll try to consider your request in our future updates! And if it gets a lot of views, it can speed up the process big time :slight_smile:

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I agree that it would be wonderful to have this setting in the widget editor :star_struck:

Here are CSS codes that may serve as a workaround.

Remove currency for all columns

display: none;

Remove currency from a particular column
Please note: replace 1 with a number of column you need to modify:

.eapps-pricing-table-column-1 .eapps-pricing-table-column-price-currency,
.eapps-pricing-table-column-1  .eapps-pricing-table-column-price-fix-postfix{
display: none;

Hey everyone :wave:

We are happy to announce that now you can remove currency from the specific table! For this, you should open the needed column, choose Price and in the Pricing Model section choose Custom where you can set the price without currency:

Guys, currently, this feature is available only in the widgets created after this release. However, the good news is that we can manually update your existing widgets on our end :slightly_smiling_face:

Check this post for more details - Pricing Table: [MAJOR UPDATE] Horizontal layout, Crossed out price + 8 new features! :zap: