Issue description:
hello, i want to create a widget to create this kind of page :
team members working on my website, picture, description, stars and number of reviews
example :
I have a subcription for the review widget but i can get other widgets as well if I have to. Can someone have an idea of how i could do such a plugin please ?
it doesn’t have to look amazing, but i want to give more credility to my team members.
thanks !
Hello @user1688! We are happy to see you in our fast-growing Community! Welcome
I am terribly sorry, but, unfortunately, there is no option to display star and reviews in our Team Showcase app.
This is a wonderful idea and we would truly appreciate it if you could add it to our Wishlist. Please leave your feature request in this category - Team Showcase - Elfsight Community to get a notification upon its release.
Feel free to check out other requests and leave your comment and votes there, as the most wanted features will be considered first.
Any insights you have would be highly appreciated as they help us improve our products