Home Renovation Calculator

Is there a way to have the calculator populate a range for the estimate? for example if they choose 1+2+3 it will equal $2,000-$3,000?

Also can’t seem to find a formula that will be able to give me multiple answers on the limited amount of questions I have. Not sure if this would be something someone would be able to help with. I’ll attach the logic and formula for answers below:


Question: Are you interested in a renovation or custom home build?
Answer choices are: Custom Home Build or Renovation

If they chose Custom Home Build >

Question: what is your preferred range of square feet for your custom home?
Options: 2000-3000 sq ft, 4000-5000 sq ft, or Over 5,000 sq ft

If they chose any of the sq ft range options for a Custom Home Build >

Question: Select the quality of finishes for your custom home.
Options: Basic Finishes, Mid Level Finishes, High End Finishes

If they select Renovation then ask>

Question: Select which areas of your home you wish to renovate.
Options: Bathroom, Laundry Room, or Kitchen

If Renovation for Bathroom was chosen >

Question: Select which type of bathroom you are renovating.
Options: Owners bathroom, guest bathroom, or Powder room

If any of the options under which type of bathroom you are renovating were selected >

Question: Select the quality of finishes for your bathroom.
Options: Basic finishes, mid finishes, high end finishes

If renovation for Laundry was chosen >
Question:Select the type of renovation for your laundry room.
options: Just updates needed, updates and appliances, full renovation with new plumbing and electrical

If renovation for Kitchen was selected >

Questions: Select the type of renovation for your kitchen
options: Just updates needed, updates and appliances, full renovation with new plumbing and electrical


If they Choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $350,000-$576,000

If they Choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $768,000-$960,000

If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $1,000,000million +

If they choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will =$400,000-$600,000

If they choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will =$800,000-$1,000,000

If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will = $1,000,000million +

If they choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $500,000-$750,000

If they choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $1,000,000 - $1,250,000

If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $1,250,000 +

If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + basic finishes answer will = $5,000 - $10,000

If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + basic finishes answer will = $5,000 - $10,000

If they choose bathroom + Powder room + basic finishes answer will be = $2,000 - $5,000

If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + Mid level finishes answer will = $6,000 -$12,000

If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + Mid level finishes answer will = $6,000 -$12,000

If they choose bathroom + Powder room + Mid level finishes answer will be = $3,000 - $6,000

If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + High End finishes answer will = $7,000 -$15,000

If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + High End finishes answer will = $7,000 -$15,000

If they choose bathroom + Powder room + High End finishes answer will be = $4,000 - $10,000

If they choose Laundry room + basic finishes answer will be = $2,000 - $10,000

If they choose Laundry room + mid level finishes answer will be = $3,000 - $12,000

If they choose Laundry room + high end finishes answer will be = $10,000 - $20,000

If they choose kitchen + Basic finishes answer will be = $20,000 - $40,000

If they choose kitchen + mid level finishes answer will be = $40,000 - $60,000

If they choose kitchen + high end finishes answer will be = $90,000 - $120,000

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Hi there @Brooke_Madison :wave:

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to populate a range of results. We have such a request in the Wishlist, so you can vote for this idea here :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding the formula giving the multiple answers on the limited amount of questions, I am afraid I didn’t quite understand your idea.

I’ve checked your widget and see that the formulas in your widget work. If you are not sure that you are using correct formulas or want to add new ones, our Formula Generator should help. Just describe your case and you’ll get the relevant formula:

If it still didn’t help, please elaborate on what you mean. I’ll be happy to look into this for you!

Thanks for responding. I figured out how to make it work not long after posting this :sweat_smile:

I have a new question though! Is it possible to transfer a widget that you made to someone else’s account?

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Wow, that’s great :wink:

Sure! Please send me the details in a private message and I’ll be happy to assist: