Is there a way to have the calculator populate a range for the estimate? for example if they choose 1+2+3 it will equal $2,000-$3,000?
Also can’t seem to find a formula that will be able to give me multiple answers on the limited amount of questions I have. Not sure if this would be something someone would be able to help with. I’ll attach the logic and formula for answers below:
Question: Are you interested in a renovation or custom home build?
Answer choices are: Custom Home Build or Renovation
If they chose Custom Home Build >
Question: what is your preferred range of square feet for your custom home?
Options: 2000-3000 sq ft, 4000-5000 sq ft, or Over 5,000 sq ft
If they chose any of the sq ft range options for a Custom Home Build >
Question: Select the quality of finishes for your custom home.
Options: Basic Finishes, Mid Level Finishes, High End Finishes
If they select Renovation then ask>
Question: Select which areas of your home you wish to renovate.
Options: Bathroom, Laundry Room, or Kitchen
If Renovation for Bathroom was chosen >
Question: Select which type of bathroom you are renovating.
Options: Owners bathroom, guest bathroom, or Powder room
If any of the options under which type of bathroom you are renovating were selected >
Question: Select the quality of finishes for your bathroom.
Options: Basic finishes, mid finishes, high end finishes
If renovation for Laundry was chosen >
Question:Select the type of renovation for your laundry room.
options: Just updates needed, updates and appliances, full renovation with new plumbing and electrical
If renovation for Kitchen was selected >
Questions: Select the type of renovation for your kitchen
options: Just updates needed, updates and appliances, full renovation with new plumbing and electrical
If they Choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $350,000-$576,000
If they Choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $768,000-$960,000
If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + basic finishes answer will = $1,000,000million +
If they choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will =$400,000-$600,000
If they choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will =$800,000-$1,000,000
If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + Mid level finishes answer will = $1,000,000million +
If they choose Custom home build + 2,000-3,000sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $500,000-$750,000
If they choose Custom home build + 4,000-5,000 sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $1,000,000 - $1,250,000
If they choose Custom home build + Over 5,000 sq ft + High End finishes answer will = $1,250,000 +
If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + basic finishes answer will = $5,000 - $10,000
If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + basic finishes answer will = $5,000 - $10,000
If they choose bathroom + Powder room + basic finishes answer will be = $2,000 - $5,000
If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + Mid level finishes answer will = $6,000 -$12,000
If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + Mid level finishes answer will = $6,000 -$12,000
If they choose bathroom + Powder room + Mid level finishes answer will be = $3,000 - $6,000
If they choose bathroom + Owners bathroom + High End finishes answer will = $7,000 -$15,000
If they choose bathroom + guest bathroom + High End finishes answer will = $7,000 -$15,000
If they choose bathroom + Powder room + High End finishes answer will be = $4,000 - $10,000
If they choose Laundry room + basic finishes answer will be = $2,000 - $10,000
If they choose Laundry room + mid level finishes answer will be = $3,000 - $12,000
If they choose Laundry room + high end finishes answer will be = $10,000 - $20,000
If they choose kitchen + Basic finishes answer will be = $20,000 - $40,000
If they choose kitchen + mid level finishes answer will be = $40,000 - $60,000
If they choose kitchen + high end finishes answer will be = $90,000 - $120,000