Hello Elf Team. Widget Problem

I’m using testimonial slider and I just want to increase my widgets and is it possible to increase the number of widgets only?

There will be an exception and increase the number of widgets by 10. I only have a limit of 9 :frowning:

please can help?

I want to buy other widgets like Pricing List and FAQ and I don’t really have that much money in cash.

Would it be possible for you to help me and increase Testmonial from 9 to 20 Widgets as an exception :frowning:

I would be very grateful if you could help me in this matter.

I hope you get into my situation.

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Hi there @user85 :wave:

I believe my colleagues from the Support Team have more expertise in these matters. Please contact them at https://help.elfsight.com/?contact=1 and they’ll be happy to advise :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Max.

how to contact can help me pls ?

live chat or email ?

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Hi @user85 :wave:

You can choose any of these options :wink: