Elfsight has limited the amount of app widgets you can use

Hello everyone,

I want to express my deep frustration and dissatisfaction with ElfSight’s recent decision to limit the number of times we can use a widget on their platform. This restriction has resulted in a significant increase in the price of their services, which is very likely to severely impact the affordability and usefulness of the platform for many users, including myself.

Since I started using ElfSight, I have found their widgets extremely useful in enhancing the functionality and appearance of my website. However, I have been completely taken aback and disappointed to discover that I am now restricted in the number of times I can implement these widgets. This limits my ability to customize and optimize a project on which I have been working for some time, and it is disheartening to face this change of plans from ElfSight just days before its launch. This also translates to an excessive cost to access the same level of functionality I previously enjoyed.

I understand that companies need to adapt and evolve, but this decision seems to be at the expense of loyal users like myself, who rely on ElfSight to enhance our websites. I am concerned that this limitation on the number of usable widgets is negatively affecting small businesses, bloggers, and entrepreneurs like me, who are striving to stay afloat in an increasingly competitive digital world.

I urge ElfSight to reconsider this change and maintain their plans based on the number of views rather than the number of widgets, or alternatively, to seek alternatives that do not impose an excessive financial burden on us as users. Furthermore, I suggest that we, as a community, be heard and that a dialogue be opened to find solutions that work for both parties.


Hi Carlos, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

First off, I want to apologize for the experience you’ve had with our service, it’s certainly not the impression we aim to give our customers.

I’d like to explain the reasons behind this gradual update of our plans and changes in limits. Our primary goal is, and always has been, to serve you better, which includes:

  • maintaining the quality of our service;
  • continuing developing our products;
  • providing the highest level of support to our customers, and much more

With that in mind, we decided to rebuild, thus enhance our dashboard, and are now gradually migrating all our users to this new platform. This means that our previous plans will be phased out over time just because we need to adapt to ongoing changes in the industry.

I assure you all of this is not in vain, as our new Dashboard is getting really powerful, meaning it’s going to improve your user experience big time:

  • it now features new widgets such as LinkedIn Feed, Sales Notification, and Business Hours, allowing you to cover much more use cases;

  • we’ve focused on creating a more comfortable and user-friendly interface, and have added new Search and Filter widget features, as well as Autosave functionality;

  • a lot of projects and ideas are yet to be fulfilled.

We understand that changes are not always something you expect to happen, so we’re always ready to find the best solution fitting to both parts. I see that you’ve already reached out to our support team, so worry not, they will do their best to resolve the issue in the best possible way. They will be waiting for your reply to settle everything.

I really hope my reply helped you understand our reasons and explained our actions. We strive to develop and improve our service, and right now we can say that the value you receive from our service greatly outweighs its price :slightly_smiling_face:

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience and frustration caused. We’re always here for you to resolve any issues or questions, so never hesitate to contact us!

I Agree with Servicios_Express.

You have already build in a limit by using x views per type
Now you have build an extra limit and therefore limiting us more.

Not realy nice and fair to do so.

I paid upfront and next payment is somewhere in 2026.
You changed something that would reconsider a user to do not pay upfront as you are limiting us now with only 9 widges per type.

Again you where already limiting the type with x views so really don’t understand this to add widget limits.

Again not fair and please remove it.


Hi @Jeronimo, thank you for your comment!

I’m truly sorry that you’re unhappy with the new limits, and I quite understand your feelings. But I have to say that in order to keep providing the best service possible, we could not but make these changes.

These a few reasons that made us alter our plans:

  • services we use to maintain our work significantly increased their prices. In particular, maintaining several social widgets has become several times more expensive.

  • with that in mind, we could either increase payment for our service, or reduce the widget limit. In order to keep our service as affordable as possible, we decided to opt for the option with the limits change.

We however completely understand that these changes could come over as an unpleasant surprise, and we’re always happy to discuss your use case and find the best solution.

This way, if you feel that this limit is not sufficient, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team. I assure you they’ll be happy to discuss your situation and find the best resolution possible.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with us, it’s very important to us!

Is the widget limitation new, or have I just overlooked it? I find 9 widgets a bit too few for the price of a pro plan.

What can we do?

Best regards
Werbeagentur Schulz-Design e. K.


@Thorsten thank you for your comment!

Yes, we had to alter our plan terms, I’ve moved your post to the thread where we previously discussed it, feel welcome to have a look.

I’m really sorry that the limits came as a surprise, but our Support Team is always very happy to help in case of any issues or inconveniences. Feel free to contact them, they’ll try their best to find the most acceptable solution.


many thanks for your response.

I don’t think that’s okay! We have entered into a contract for unlimited creation of widgets.

The one-sided limitation violates our agreement! Under EU law, such changes may only apply to future subscriptions.

I have to speak out strongly against this and expect a corresponding change to my account.

Best regards
Thorsten Schulz


Hi Thorsten, I totally feel you, I really do :pray:t2:

I’ve discussed it with the team and one of my colleagues from Support Team will contact you to resolve this matter. We’ll try our best to find the best solution possible.


Thank you very much.

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I am also really shocked. We are a small NGO in Nepal and have not many views. We are only adding every few month some more apps and now we cannot anymore.

But we need the free amount of apps for what we do.

It is a disaster, because we also cannot afford to pay more.

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Hi @Nepal :wave:

I completely understand your concerns and sincerely apologize for the frustration caused by the introduction of the new limits

We do realize that these changes may have come as an unpleasant surprise, and we’re always happy to discuss your use case and find the optimal solution.

I see that you’ve already opened a support ticket and my colleague Ksenia will get everything sorted for you. She’ll contact you really soon :slightly_smiling_face: