Google reviews not loading reviewers names or responses on google sites

its showing the star reviews but not the names or the actual reviews themselves please help

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Hi @Joseph1 and welcome to the forum!

I’m so sorry that you have issues with our widget, could you please send me a link to the page with the widget in question?

I’ll be happy to check things and provide a solution :raised_hands:t2:

it is a google sites page im not sure exactly if you’ll be able to view it but here is the link

Thanks for the link, Joseph!

My apologies for the late reply, it seems we’re in different time zones :frowning:

I’ve checked your website and the widget works just fine for me:

Is this still an issue for you? If it is, could you please tell me the browser you use and send me a screenshot of the console? It might be really helpful :raised_hands:t2:

I got it figured out!! Thank you!

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Awesome, thanks a lot for the update, Joseph!