Google revievs widget - GSC doesn't recognize reviews on my site


Before elfsight widget I was using widget from another company - Google Search console colleted reviews. Yesterday I bought Basic widget and then GSC see no reviewes ( is enabled).
How can I solve this issue?



Hi there, @Milosz_Madeja :wave:

The review schema doesn’t appear in Google Search Console because of the data-elfsight-app-lazy attribute in the widget’s installation code and js-inview-reveal class
of the parent container, which makes the block with the widget to appear only once we scroll to it:

If you remove the data-elfsight-app-lazy attribute from the widget’s installation code and js-inview-reveal class, the review schema should appear in Google Search Console.

However, the rich snippet won’t be displayed in the search results, since the widget is installed on the homepage. It’s a decision by Google to not show the rich snippets on homepages and, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do with it.

Let me know if this explains things or if you have any questions left :slightly_smiling_face: