kindly add the widget Get your Guide widget as its useful sor many travel websites.
kindly add the widget Get your Guide widget as its useful sor many travel websites.
Hi there @Deepthi_Kurian
If I understand correctly, you mean Get Your Guide Reviews widget. In this case, happy to tell you that this source is available in our All-in-One Reviews app:
Check it out and let me know if it worked for you
thanks for the revert.i was looking for activity widget.
Do I understand right that you’d like to have an option to display cultural, food, nature, sports activities like on the homepage of the Get Your Guide website?
We’ll try to consider this idea in the future updates. I’ll keep you posted here in case of any news
Thankyou for looking into the suggestion.
You are welcome!
By the way, we’d like to remind you about our new challenge. Just answer 3 simple questions about your favorite widget, and you’ll get a chance to win a 3-month extension to any of your subscriptions.
Check the details and jump in - we are eager to hear your thoughts
It’s a screenshot from the Get Your Guide homepage