Full Whitelabel Plan to manage apps with custom brand (white label)

Custom logos control panel for manage clients and subresellers, custom pricelist to retail clients and subresellers, whitelabeling javascript apps link on websites, custom elfsight app to create a form with this pricing and autocreate account into whitelabel portal and small billing system or csv exports.

Really I don’t discuss pricing, I request a tool to manage a high volume of clients and subresellers to sell at custom prices, isn’t hard get premium plan with this tools available.

This would be a dream for msp and resellers, for me :slight_smile:

But a custom domain with custom logo and whitelabel linked js link could be great for start working, maybe without access from my client’s first, only whitelabeled service is ok for me :slight_smile:

I can wait for custom control panel more later, but I like starting selling elfsight apps next month, only with dns changes can do it first step and manage manually it’s ok while developing a good whitelabel control panel more later. Maybe a project manager to organize every client app’s instead organize by app’s only can be good.

Resume… Starting sell manually whitelabel now and wait for new features on next updates :slight_smile:


Folks, our former Wishlist portal, where our users shared their requests and suggestions, was transferred to this forum. You’re most welcome to vote, add new ideas, and leave your comments here — we surely will consider them all! :star_struck:

Original Votes: 34

Original comment from Matthew Jalinsky transferred from the previous Wishlist portal:

For all apps so my agency can use your products for our clients

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I bought a fully stacked AppSumo license, but it’s hard to sell this as a service if the embed script has your domain name, apps . elfsight . com, in it.

Can’t you make this domain name something generic?
( e.g. embedthiswidget . com is still available; the embed code would look something like
< script src=“https://embedthiswidget.com/p/platform.js” defer >< /script >
< div class=“elfsight-app-da3529ce-96c5-469a-a00e-099e63631b42” >< /div >)

Because right now, if clients check out Elfsight’s pricing page, it makes for difficult conversations and lost sales for agencies.

Thank you.


@Nardo many thanks for your comment and suggestion!

I agree that currently we don’t have a decent option for agencies, and this is something we’re going to pay a closer attention to. I’ve moved your idea to another similar thread, and I’ll make sure to keep you updated on the progress.

Thanks a lot for your help, and welcome to the Elfsight Community! :tada:


Yeah, I had seen that thread, but hoped that JUST creating a white-labelled domain name for the embed scripts might be something that you could implement quickly, and it would help out people like me a lot - without the entire white-label suite to have to wait on. A quick fix…


Good point, Nardo!

You know, I’m afraid it’s not something we will be able to release in the near future :frowning:

But I guess your comment sounds like a first step towards the whole idea, that’s why I’ve moved it to this thread :slight_smile:

I’ll make sure to update you on the progress, and I believe your suggestion will be considered first.

We always love hearing from you, thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and helping us!

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It seems simple enough for you to register a new, generic domain name, and map it to elfsight.com, so the embed scripts DON’T have elfsight.com in it anymore. It’s a basic, but essential start to any white labelling. Any updates on this? embedthiswidget.com is still available for registration - just a thought…


@Nardo thank you very much for your help and for sharing your idea!

I’m really sorry but we don’t have any particular news regarding the whitelabel as our team is really hard-pressed finalizing the work on the new dashboard, a couple of new widgets and other urgent matters.

However, we do recognize that a white label feature could be tremendously helpful in a great number of cases. Therefore, our developers will definitely keep this request in mind and revisit it when the schedule allows.

Again, thanks a lot for your comments and for your ideas, it’s really important to us!

  1. Extended Brand Presence: Hosting popups & Widgets on custom domains allows customers to experience a consistent brand presence by accessing popups directly from the main website instead of a third-party domain.
  2. Trust and Credibility: A custom domain instills trust and credibility as it appears more professional, giving the impression of an integrated part of the website rather than a separate service or external platform.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: Users are more likely to respond to popups originating from a familiar and trusted source. By hosting popups on custom domains, customers can provide a seamless and cohesive experience, leading to improved interaction and conversion rates.
  4. SEO Benefits: Hosting popups on the main domain can yield SEO benefits such as improved visibility and ranking results. Content hosted on the main domain is more likely to be indexed and rated by search engines.
  5. Flexibility and Control: Customers have the ability to fully customize and control the functionality and design of their popups while retaining full control over the custom domain. This allows them to seamlessly integrate and tailor popups to their specific requirements.
  6. Privacy and Security: By hosting popups on custom domains, customers can ensure that all data and interactions remain within their own ecosystem, minimizing potential security and privacy concerns.

Hi there and welcome to the Community @Tepto_GmbH :wave:

A huge thank you for such a detailed feedback!

We will try to think this opportunity over and hopefully, we’ll be able to implement it in one of the future updates. I’ll keep you informed about any news :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello everyone,

Thank you for participating in the development of our service!

We have a general understanding of the necessary Whitelabel functionality - that your client should not be aware of anything related to Elfsight. However, we would like to better understand the willingness of agencies to pay for this feature. Let’s assume there are no standard plans for Whitelabel, and the fee is charged per invited client.

Could you please share how much you would be willing to pay per Whitelabel client, assuming, for example, they have Unlimited Views, access to all applications, and up to 10 widgets for each application (to fully satisfy the maximum needs of a standard, widespread requirements profile)?

This question is very important for us to evaluate the development prospects.


White Label:
Personally, I don’t need clients to use/access ALL widgets. Probably I only have 1-2 widgets that I’ll use for one client, and I don’t even need them to have access!

And really, this does NOT have to be difficult. Just replacing elfsight.com with a NEUTRAL URL like nicewidgets.org in the embed script would be enough!!! A web page for nicewidgets.org could just say something like “There’s nothing here :slightly_smiling_face:”. Just don’t redirect that domain name to elfsight.com, as that would defeat the purpose! Maybe instead of replacing the elfsight.com URL you could offer a second option, so people can choose? A lot of software aimed at marketing agencies already offer these neutral embed URLs…


  • Nardo

Hi @Andrei ,

I agree with what @Nardo said.
All the agency services we use adopt this mechanism.

  1. anonymous domain that cannot be traced back to anyone (blank page) included in the price of the service.

  2. customized domain (pointing to a DNS) to have the service on the agency’s domain. In this case, the service is paid for, generally more or less $100/year.

In both cases, any reference to the supplier disappears from the pages (logo, addresses, etc.).



we are actively considering writing some of our own apps because we need to white label the domain. I would prefer to continue using elfsight


Hey there @BeachyMarketing_Webs :wave:

I totally understand your point and really sorry that this feature isn’t supported yet!

We’ll try to think in this direction in the future, and I really hope our devs will find a way to implement this functionality.

All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Would be great to have a white lable plan to customized even in the domain


Thank you for the suggestion, @Yaco_Medina!

Yes, white label option sounds like a huge benefit, and we do have it in mind. We’ll keep you updated in this thread in case of any news and updates :slight_smile:

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Greetings @Andrei,

I think it’s just a matter of Elfsight doing a full business case for rolling out Agency Plans that remove Elfsight’s branding in the embed code. You have already rolled out an initial feature for inviting team members, at no additional costs to subscribers. Great show of goodwill to your existing subscribers, loss of potential revenue from new ones.

Having read all the comments on this thread, I’m a novice developer, more commercial experience, technically Elfsight’s paid plans, do not remove all branding, since anyone can inspect a website with an Elfsight widget and see the domain. This, should only be possible for subscribers on a Free Plans. Google now offer AI Insights to anyone logged into their Google account that inspects a website. I would think Agency business models revolve around, Sales, Reliable Suppliers/Partnerships, Trade Secrets, and Creative Client Pricing among other elements.

In some cases an agency may not even want staff to know who their suppliers/partners are to reduce trade secret leaks. So even removing supplier/partner branding would be useful for an Agency Plan. In the rapid age of AI Integration, these business models are at high risks. A novice, like me, and others with time, access to AI tools, and an interest in development will figure ways to cut long term costs, and become DIYs. Though, I’m also interested in the potential of earning from clients in the long run too. For now I only use Elfsight for my own projects, because of he embed code.

@Inicia, @Nardo, @Betto, and @Yaco_Medina have made some really strong points, and provided some great feature suggestions. These should be passed on to your Commercial Product Manager to develop a full business case to present to you and your Team that shows how Elfsight’s revenue will change, whether negatively, or positively. I think it will show a large positive outcome with properly developed, implemented, and rolled out Agency Plans. I’m also seeing multiple threads, including this one that I think really deal with features required by Agencies (Individuals, SMBs). There is quite a lot of information to do a business case, and develop a proper product road plan. Afterall, existing subscribers love Elfsight’s products, and want to sell it even more. Let a business case make all the decisions.

cc: @Max @Helga

Best wishes,