
I know it is new, I am loving it. I am sure so much is to come. I have had little issues with uploading some PDFs but I will see how it goes.
However, I am here asking for more flexibility as far as changing colors of everything, as well as moving the floating button position and size. It conflicts with the audio player on the same pages. Also hoping we could have the pop up bubble suggested responses as optional, but still have the suggested responses in the chat when opened.
Also I have not had any success in it being familiar with the website it is on, assuming it only works with the information uploaded to it.

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Hi there, @Rev_Devan :wave:

  1. Could you please provide more details on the issue you’ve had with uploading the PDF files? We’ll gladly look into this for you!

  2. We agree that it would be great to have more color settings in the widget and I’ve added this idea to the Wishlist on your behalf - Change color of each widget element. In the meantime, could you please specify the name of the elements, where you’d like to change the color? Our devs will share CSS codes for you :slightly_smiling_face:

  3. The setting for changing the bubble’s position is already available in the widget:

  1. The setting for changing the bubble size would be a cool enhancement and I’ve added this idea to the Wishlist - Setting for changing the bubble size. In the meantime, you can use this CSS code:
[class^="FloatingButton__FloatingButtonContainer-sc"] {
  scale: 0.7;
  1. Do I get it right that you’ve received an error when adding a link for the website analysis? If it is, please send me a link you were using.
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