Filter Instagram feed by hashtag per product page on Shopify

I see that we could filter it at the top level, but we’d like to filter the feed differently for each product page.

Can you help us regain that functionality?

previously we had this in our code to grab the product’s hashtag…
data-is-source="#{{ }}"

so we could pull the metadata from the product page and apply it as a hashtag filter through the widget.

Hi Che-Wei and welcome to the forum!

Please accept my apologies for the late reply, it was a local holiday here, you know :pray:t2:

I understand your use case, but we need to consult our developers first in order to provide a proper answer. I see that you’ve already opened a support ticket, and my colleague Ksenia is already working on your request.

She will keep you updated there, and she’ll definitely provide the best solution possible :slight_smile: