Email options & links in Events Calendar not working

Hi there. I’m using the Event Calendar to list a bunch of events on our website. Everything’s working really well bar the email option in two places:

  1. Under ‘Edit Event’ editing the Button for emails isn’t working
  2. Inside the pop-up the ‘Invite via Email’ option also has no function at all

I’ve tried everything I can think of and nothing’s working.
How can I include functioning email options in the Event Calendar?
Thanks for helping,

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Hi @Daniel18 and welcome to Community :heart:

I’ve checked your widget and couldn’t identify any issues with email option.

Could you please send me a screenshot or a video screencast of the issue?

I’ll be happy to check things for you!

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have a look at this please Max


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Thank you for such a detailed screencast!

I see the issue, but email options are working fine on my side:

Could you please send me a screenshot of the Developer Console and specify the version of your browser?