Elfsight Insta feed on squarespace won't show in my mobile browser

Elfsight Insta feed won’t show in my mobile browser, though it shows in the Squarespace mobile preview no problem. Iphone - safari or chrome browser.
The desktop view is fine. Thanks for the help

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Hi @user3634

We couldn’t be happier that you’ve decided to join our crew! Welcome :tada:

I’ve checked your website on Iphone (Safari and Chrome) and the widget is displayed on my side:

Could you please let me know if everything is fine on your side?

If the issue still persists, please specify the version of your device and browsers. Also, the screenshot of the issue would be highly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for looking at that. Iphone 12mini. Safari. IOS16.2
The feed should be below the image. It isn’t anywhere else on that page when I scroll down.

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Thank you!

I’ve shared this info with our dev team. Please do not worry, I’ll keep updated regarding any changes :slightly_smiling_face:

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We’ve fixed the issue!

Please check it and let me know how it works :wink:


Thanks Max. I also upgraded by IOS to the 16.4 or 6 and that seemed to fix it for me. Thank you!

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You are always welcome :raised_hands:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Instagram Feed isn’t displayed on mobile