Delete a review

How do delete a VRBO review as it was not factual review? I was told by my booking platform I would need to go thru Elf to delete.

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Hello @Craig5! Welcome to Elfsight Community :heart:

You can hide an unwanted review by following these steps:

  1. Choose Filters section in the Source tab:

  1. Click on Add button in Exclude Reviews section:

  1. Add Author name or keyword and save changes:

Please check it and let me know if it helped :wink:

My icons do not look the same at all. I do not have one that says sources.

Here is what I


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Hello @Craig5!

I am sorry for being not clear enough!

Firstly, you need to choose All-in-One Reviews app in the application tab and then follow all the steps I’ve described in the previous message.

Please check it and let me know if it helped :wink:

That worked. Thanks.

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It wasn’t a problem at all!

Have a great day :wink: