Define the width of the content within the slide

It would be great to be able to have a full-width background and to limit the content’s width within the slider. So the slider would be full width red and the text block and image could be grouped side by side in the middle of the slider, instead of the current extra-wide content when it’s full-width. I did it with CSS but my clients are not able to do this alone.

.BuilderBlock__Content-sc {
max-width: 1200px!important;
margin: auto;


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Hi there, @user19362 :wave:

The Full Width option is already available in the settings. Feel free to check it out:

However, if it’s not what you mean, could you please share a screenshot of the changes your’ve made?

Implement a feature that allows users to control the width of content within the slider.

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So that the slider’s background can be 100% width on the browser window. And the JS keeps the slider’s content over the background within limits so it does not get to be too wide.

Here is a screenshot with the JS and without the JS. Without JS the text runs all the way to the right of the edge of the window. It would be great if all users could do this with the interface and not rely on JS.

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Got it, thanks for sharing the details!

We’ll have this idea in mind and if it gets more votes, we’ll try to think about this feature in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there @Beth_Boutry :wave:

We already have this idea on the Wishlist! I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face: