Images full width on Mobile

  • Issue description:
    I’d like the images to be full width on mobile, it’s a simple image slider, and I don’t want the images being cropped on mobile.

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

You try adding this code into Custom CSS tab

@media screen and (max-width:767px) {
.eapp-slider-slider-component div:empty {
    background-size: contain !important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
.eapp-slider-slider-component.jsx-1053260649 .eapp-slider-slider-slider {
    height: 150px !important;

That worked great, thank you so much :slight_smile:

Hello guys @Frank11 @tuanphan! @Frank11 welcome to Elfsight Community :tada:

@tuanphan is absolutely right! Thank you so much for your perfect assistance :heart_eyes:

If anything comes up, please feel free to contact us.

Have a great day :wink:

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@tuanphan so happy to see you back! :heart_eyes:
Many thanks for your help! :raised_hands:t2: