Custom duration for the Appointment Booking widget

Hello Max,
The widget looks awesome! I was wondering if the time can be increased to more than 2 Hrs. in my case, I offer a service for which I give around 4 Hrs. and if it can even be customized, maybe in 30 min increases? (i.e. I input the time of the service myself, or giving me a choice with hourly or 30 min increase?)
Thank you in advance!


Hi there @Heber_Perez :wave:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

I am not sure if there is a custom solution for this case at the moment. However, I’ll discuss it with the dev team and will get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Heber_Perez :wave:

I’ve discussed your case with the devs, and they’ll try to add a 4-hour duration option. This task is in the development now, so I’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

We also agree that it would be awesome to have more flexible duration settings and I’ve added your idea to the Wishlist. You can keep tabs on it here - More flexible settings for the duration

Hello Max,

How awesome is that! I appreciate the length of your efforts to get these things going! I will be on the lookout for your updates!


Hi there @Heber_Perez :wave:

Great news for you! Now you can set the duration to 4 hours:

Check it out and let us know if you like the new option :wink:

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