More flexible settings for the duration

It would be really helpful to set your own (custom) duration instead of choosing durations available in the list


Hello, I need to know the option where I can choose the activity in hours and not just minutes,

How can I do this?


Welcome to the Community, @Osseliche_Zanzibar :wave:

Currently, there is no option to choose hours instead of minutes and set any other custom durations. However, we already have a similar idea in the Wishlist, and we’ll try to consider this opportunity in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, could you please specify which durations you’d like to use for your service?


Hi and thank you for your answer

I would like to have time slots from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
This is very important for my bookingsystem

Kind regards


Got it, thanks!

Glad to say that we have plans to add the 4-hours option in the future. It’s hard to give the ETA for this feature, but I’ll make sure to update you here in case of any news :wink:


We’d love to use this to book event spaces that we have at our locations - we’d need durations to go up to 6, or even 8 hours. Making this completely custom would be ideal.


Thanks a lot for your input, @Adrian_Bernal! We’ll try to consider your suggestion :blush:


A minimum reservation time of 5 minutes is required.


Thank you for your suggestion, @user14268! And welcome to the community :blush:


A post was split to a new topic: Hide the duration in Appointment Booking

Hi @Osseliche_Zanzibar :wave:

Great news for you! Now you can set the duration to 4 hours. 120 minutes option was renamed to 2 hours:

Check it out and let me know if you like the update :wink:

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Yes I agree, products on our site must be pre-ordered 3 days in advance because there is preparation time as well as delivery to the store, and being stuck with limited hours is not practical at all. everything… We should choose what we wish…

I hope it will be done quickly because for my part it is blocking sales :frowning:


Hi there, @Celine_LEDUN :wave:

Thank you so much for the comment!

We do realize the importance of this feature and, hopefully, our devs will be able to consider this request in the near future :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll update you here as soon as anything changes!


Hello friends!

Great news – we’ve introduced the Custom duration feature to our app :tada:

Find more details in this post - Appointment Booking: Set custom duration for your appointments 🚀


Hi @Max, hi @helga, hi everyone,

Just a detail about this suggestion:
At no time has the status of this suggestion been changed. The status has always remained at Gathering-Feedback. Would it be possible to update the status of the ideas your developers are currently working on in order to really know the ideas currently under development please?

It’s just a small detail :blush:

Thanks in advance.

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That’s a great comment, @romano97002, thanks! And I’m happy to say that this is exactly what we’re currently working on: we’re improving our internal workflow to update the feature status here on the forum more promptly :blush: