Currency Converter

I see your point, @Robbie_Shipman, thanks a lot for the details!

However, I believe that a separate Currency Converter widget would be the most suitable solution in cases like yours, and I don’t see it as a feature for a Calculator widget. Let’s keep your suggestion in this thread then and hope that we’ll add this idea to our roadmap :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!

We operate an international travel website. We sure would like to make available to our customers a currency conversion widget. It certainly would be very handy for them to calculate prices from USD to other currencies and visa versa.

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Hello there, @Jim_Austin :wave:

Thank you for the feedback!

Happy to say that this idea is already on the Wishlist! I’ve moved your comment to the discussion, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

This should not be a difficult widget. If the developer can make it so we can add the exchange rates that would also be a good fix… or aggregate from Google

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Hi there, @Robbie_Shipman :wave:

While it might be not the most difficult app to develop, the number of votes is another key criterion for prioritizing requests. Right now, we have a bunch of requests with the higher priority and our devs are focused on them.

As soon as we have any news about the Currency Converter, we’ll promptly update you here :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot for your input!