Create app to add chat GPT to a website

Happy 2025 Max,

I hope it’s been off to the great start. Where can I find the Privacy and Data Security Terms for this AI ChatBot, is it just the ones for ChatGPT/OpenAI?

Just need to do some due diligence since I’m planning to use it more.

With thanks,


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: The instructions are not saved

Hi @Master_Web :wave:

Yep, since our AI Chatbot is based on ChatGPT, it has the same Privacy and Data Security Terms :slightly_smiling_face:


A post was split to a new topic: Notify me section for sending the chat history

Hvala i vama ako imate pitanja pitajte☺️

pon, 23. pro 2024. 13:31 Josiah Houge via Elfsight Community <> je napisao:

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Well, this feature has come a long way, thankyou for letting me be a part of it. I’m not leaving, just a thankyou note. :>