Clock widget

I want a widget that shows real time of when you are opening the website


Welcome aboard @Filipino :wave:

Glad to tell you that we already have a request for such an app in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the related topic where we’ll keep you informed about any progress :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts with us!

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What about a clock both digital or analog app using the logo of the company interested in this app.In free mode the logo will be elfsight logo


Hi @Alexandros_Zeppos :wave:

Glad to tell you that we already have a request for a Clock widget. I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated topic where we’ll share all the updates :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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Have an idea

www.clocklink. com


Thank you so much for sharing an example!

We’ll try our best to consider these options when working on the widget :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello, i see the meany reguest for a clock. And the first comment on that is from april 2021!
Is there any timeline?


Hi there @Pien_de_Meijer :wave:

Thank you for the feedback!

I am really sorry that it takes us so long to deliver this app, but, unfortunately, we can’t provide a specific timeline now.

You see, since we receive a huge number of requests, we prioritize them based on 2 main criteria: number of votes and complexity of implementation.

Currently, we have many requests with the higher priority that our devs are focused on. You can look through them here.

Rest assured, as soon as we receive any news regarding this app, we’ll immediately update you here :slightly_smiling_face:

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Any news on this…?


Hi there, @user17813 :wave:

Much as we’d love to share an update, unfortunately, we haven’t got any news yet. If anything changes, we’ll inform you here right away :slightly_smiling_face:

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It did change.
It’s 2025 now

Στις Τρί 4 Φεβ 2025, 8:41 μ.μ. ο χρήστης Max via Elfsight Community <> έγραψε:


Good point, @Alexandros_Zeppos! But it works the same way for other requests as well, which is why we cannot but prioritize things.

We’ll be happy to post here once we hear from the devs. In the meantime, feel free to share your ideas and use cases — they really help us build better products :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: App that lets only specific people have access