Changing the language of the event calendar

Hello, it would be nice to get some translation for french in the event calendar because theres no way to change the language and were we are from it could make troubles for us.

thank you

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Greetings @Hobby_Saguenay :wave:

Happy to say that you can manually change the language of the widget’s elements right in the settings.

Just go to the Messages section on the Content tab and add replace English versions with the French equivalents:

Let me know if you have any further questions :wink:

Not working

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Hi there @CulturArte_Oficial :wave:

Recently, we’ve introduced a new language control. You can find it on the Settings tab:

You can either manually translate phrases, choosing the needed language, or manually adjust the text in the Edit Texts section.

Let me know if you have any further questions :slightly_smiling_face: