Can multiple people submit one form?

I’m wondering if I can create a form that allows multiple people to submit information. For example I fill out a form, then forward it to a client to finish it by adding their own info.

Kind of like when I sign a lease, it’s automatically sent to my rommmate for their signature as well.

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Hi @Oliver_Wassef, I’m afraid we don’t support sharing one form among multiple people.

However, your idea sounds really interesting, so I’ve moved it to our Wishlist so that other users can upvote it if they find it useful :slight_smile:

Okay, I just thought it would be useful for creating customized waivers that both the client and the business can sign off on.

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That makes two of us! Never hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us, we’re always happy to hear from you :slight_smile:

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