Hello, i’m using Google reviews app and when it’s on my website there is this black or blue buttom above my app who suggesting to visit elfsight website or something. I paid the app so i don’t understant. Can yo please help ?
Hello Morgan, nice to see you here in the community, take a look at the description of the widget. Only you can see it, it’s a mini dashboard. From there you can go directly to your account and you can see on the display how often your set widget has been viewed.
greetings Dirk
@Morgan Dirk is absolutely right, this panel is visible only for you as a widget owner, so you may not worry about it. You can check your website in Incognito mode to make sure that others don’t see this panel
@Dirk, a huge thanks for your help, you rock!
Thank you so much for your reply!
You’re very much welcome, @Morgan!
Welcome to the community, by the way! We’re happy to have you with us
Hey @Morgan I can only agree, it’s nice that your question could be solved
, I’ve been using the widgets for over a year and can only tell you, you’ll discover more widgets here that make a website a highlight without programming. Have a nice day or a good night
A post was split to a new topic: Help with the account