Help with the account

Help, please can I understand this too I can verify my account

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Hello @Little :wave:

Thank you for contacting us!

I am so sorry that you are experiencing difficulties :pensive:

I see that you’ve opened a support ticket 328693 and my colleague Ksenia has already contacted you regarding the issue.

If any other questions come up, please do not hesitate to contact Ksenia!

Have a nice day :wink:

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A post was split to a new topic: Withdrawal amount is painding

Please what code is this and how can I verify my account please help me out I need more knowledge on how to you my account too I am a musician

No body as view my widgets yet please help me out I need more knowledge please

Help me please I need to verified my account here

Please how can I start earring money

Hi @Little!

It seems I got it now :slight_smile:

As far as I see, you’ve joined our Affiliate Program and you’ve got questions in this regard.

I’m afraid I cannot help you with your affiliate account, as we have a dedicated channel for questions like yours, and the whole Affiliate Team deal with them :slight_smile:

Please contact our Affiliate Team here: They will be happy to assist!

I need to verified my account please

Please contact your Affiliate Manager at, they will be very happy to help!

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في الخميس، ٢٤ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢ ٩:٢٩ م Little via Elfsight Community <> كتب:

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Help me out please I need to validate my account no action as taken on the account yet please hear me out

Please contact your Affiliate manager at, they’ll be happy to help you out with all the questions.

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