Be Able to Create a Custom Button

Using the Google Widget in a sidebar it would be nice to be able to add a custom button to the bottom of the widget instead of “Load More” that could navigate the visitor to the Reviews/Testimonial page that displays more Reviews instead of only linking out to Google Business Page.

  • Add Custom Budget
  • Design features (like we do for other buttons)
  • Text on button
  • URL the button will link to
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Hey there, @Matt_Kelley :wave:

I guess we have a solution for your case:

Enable header and tick the Write a Review button on the Header tab


Open Header section on the Style tab and choose the Write a Review button. Here you can adjust the design of your button


Open Edit Texts section on the Settings tab and replace Review Us on Google with your own text

Adding the link

Add the code below to the Custom JS section on the Settings tab:

const LINK = "";
const TARGET = "_blank";
widget.on("init", ({ widgetContainer }) => {
  const writeReviewButton = widgetContainer.querySelector(".es-header-write-review-button");
  writeReviewButton?.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    e.stopPropagation();, TARGET);

Note: Replace the link in the 1st line of the code with the link where you’d like to redirect your users :slightly_smiling_face:

Give it a try and let me know how it worked for you :wink: