Automatically connect images with blog posts

Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to “read-in” photos already on my website eg in my blog, and for the photos to be populated in the column gallery and then each photo is then linked to its respective blog post when you click on it?

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Hello @Sorochi!

We’ll be happy to check things for you! Could you please describe your use case in more detail?

Screenshots would be highly appreciated :wink:

Yes sure, I can try to explain in in better detail.

So I have a blog page on my website: Studio Blog — mentorship studio.
Each blog on the blog page has a image which is just a coloured background with the title on the blog post in a darker version of the colour:

I want would love if either of of these two things could happen:
(VERSION 1) If on my hompage, right at the bottom, where there is the red vertical image (that looks similar to the orange one attached above) could be automatically changed to the image associated with the latest blog post on the website. So every two weeks a new blog post is released and every two weeks the image on the homepage is updated to show the image relating to the latest blog post. If this image could then be linked to the blog post as well that would be great! So if you click on the image it will take you to that associated blog post.
(VERSION 2) This is what I tried to explain above! I know you have the column gallery, so I was wondering if the images in the column gallery could automatically be the images related to the latest 3 blog posts. So these images can be clicked on and it will take you to the associated blog.

Essentially I want to automate the process of updating the image on my homepage that links to latest blog post.
Is this possible?


Sorochi, a huge thank you for such a detailed explanation!

I do see your point, and I’m really sorry to say that such a use case is not supported in our Photo Gallery widget at the moment, as it’s a too custom use case :frowning:

Anyways, I’ve made your request a separate idea in our Wishlist, and maybe we’ll try to think about it in the future. If there are any changes or news, I’ll make sure to let you know in this thread.

Thank you very much for your help and time! It’s highly appreciated :pray:t2: