Social share at bottom of blog post

Would be great to be able to have social share buttons at the bottom of the blog posts


Hello there, @user14619 :wave:

Cool idea! If this request gets more votes, it might become a thing :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a bunch for the feedback, and welcome to the Community!

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Thanks Max

Could I ask a question about the blog widget. I would like a person viewing any blog I create to be able to select a social media feed link, so they could post this blog to their feed, is this possible and are there any social media feed graphics that can be added to a blog to enable this?


Phil Crook
m: 0792 1814722

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@digitalPAC Right now, it’s impossible to do, but we have this idea on the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face:

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