Are you an avid LinkedIn user? [Networking]

Hello Elfsight Family! :star2:

I believe everyone knows about LinkedIn. The majority of us have LinkedIn profiles and find this platform quite beneficial in many aspects:

:small_blue_diamond: Learning from experts and developing your skills.

:small_blue_diamond: Finding a job or hiring a real pro.

:small_blue_diamond: Taking part in discussions to broaden your horizons.

:small_blue_diamond: Promoting your brand/service and getting clients.

:small_blue_diamond: And, of course, Networking!

It seems there is no need to talk about the advantages of networking. By default, we’re sociable creatures, in need of communication and supportive community, aren’t we?

It’s awesome to realize that nearly 13.000 (yeah, that’s the number of users in this community!) absolutely different people are gathered here, all united by Elfsight :star_struck:

My suggestion: Let’s Connect!

Why don’t we exchange our LinkedIn profiles and initiate the Elfsight Networking? Who knows, maybe some life-changing connections might take place here :wink:

So! Briefly describe your occupation and leave your LinkedIn profile in your comment. Make sure to check other comments to connect with others!

Happy Networking! :heart_on_fire:


I’ll start!

I began my journey at Elfsight as a Support Specialist. Now, I’m focused on growing our community and trying my best to ensure our customers have the best experience possible :slight_smile:

My LinkedIn account is not impressive yet, but I’ll be elated to connect with you there:!


@Helga Cool idea, that would help me a lot to reach the required number of followers so I can test how live streaming works within the platform Private

Company Page S-Inspiration at LinkedIN

ouer LinkedIN company page is under construction in connection with the premium account on LinkedIN
I’m getting to know LinkedIN better and better, it would be cool to see other LinkedIN sites with the same interests

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Yeah, let’s help each other in some way! :slight_smile:

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@Helga, great idea! Count me in!

I’m Olga, the Affiliate Manager at Elfsight, specializing in affiliate onboarding and success.
I couldn’t agree more with the power of networking on LinkedIn. It’s not just about connecting; it’s about fostering opportunities and building valuable relationships. :muscle:

Feel free to DM me for program details or to discuss web design and affiliate marketing - :blush::rocket: