Age Verification does not activate

  • After doing this. - 1. Install Elfsight Age Verification WordPress Plugin to your website. I go to Settings and there is a spinning circle. The plug in does not activate. None of the buttons on the page work:

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

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Hi @BigBob_Eddie and welcome to Elfsight Community :rocket:

It’s really great to see you on our forum, I hope you will find this space useful :slight_smile:

I however have to mention that this forum is dedicated to Elfsight cloud apps, thus we can assist with only cloud apps-related questions here. As far as I see, you’re using our WP standalone plugin, which looks and works differently.

I advise you to ask your question via our CodeCanyon form, our team will try their best to provide the answers there :raised_hands:t2:

OK, After buying the plugin I was invited by Elfsight via email to join this site. Perhaps it would be best if they stopped sending those email. Bye

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I am genuinely sorry for all the confusion!

Could you please specify what email you’ve received? The screenshot would be highly appreciated.