Add a button to "Social Share Buttons" that would copy the URL to clipboard in order to share the link in Texting and other apps

Add a button to “Social Share Buttons” that would copy the URL to clipboard in order to share the link in Texting and other apps.


@Mazin thanks a lot for a nice suggestion and welcome to the Elfsight community! :tada:

We’ll try to consider your idea since it sounds really reasonable :slight_smile: I hope other users will support your request as well!

I hope the developers do consider this feature. I created an account to request this exact feature until I came across this post. Mainly because I have been asked quite a lot about how to share just the link instead of sharing to Social. Those who have asked don’t understand that they can copy the URL from the address bar and share it and want a button to click instead. Something that seems like common sense to us isn’t as much common sense to users who aren’t tech-savvy.

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Thank you so much for your comment, @Jonathan_Moore, and welcome to the community!

I totally understand your reasons, and I guess a quick button to copy the URL would be a great addition to the widget. I’ve shared this thread with the dev team to remind them about this request, let’s hope they’ll manage to consider it in one of the future updates!

I’ll keep you updated on the progress here :raised_hands:t2: