About the Ask the Community category

Got a question about Elfsight widgets or feel like you need a hand? This category is just for you to ask questions, get advice from your peers and help others.

If you need help, create a new topic, name the widget and ask your question. If you know how to help others, please do — the community will highly appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Im paying for the apps… how do I remove your branding?


With the way our service works, each app has a separate subscription. In this way, if you pay for one app (for instance, Instagram Feed), the logo gets removed for all the Instagram Feed widgets you create. But if you need to use another app (let’s say, Facebook Feed), you need to subscribe for Facebook Feed app separately to have the logo removed.

If my explanation didn’t help or your case is different, please contact our Support Team, they will be very happy to look into the issue and provide assistance :slight_smile:


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Hi Fernando and welcome to the forum!

Feel free to look around and open topics to discuss them with your peers and us :hugs: