Widget Suggestion/Request - Email Signature

Would love to see a widget for an email signature - as per image below:


Such a widget is currently provided by eg Professional Email Signatures by WiseStamp

Look forward to you guys making this happen!



Hi there @Andy_Cole :wave:

I completely get where you’re coming from, and I couldn’t agree more that it would be awesome to have email signature in our app catalog.

If this request gets more votes, we’ll try to think over your suggestion.

Thanks for sharing your idea with us and yes, welcome to the Community :wink:

I have found that if I create an email signature for a client in Illustrator and then export it to jpeg, png or gif it ALWAYS looks blurred when placed in the email platform, eg Apple Mail, Outlook or Gmail. I have tried may different ways to overcome this and nothing works. I would like a widget that can import and build images, logos for example, and combine it with text and built in links to websites and social media.
This would be an absolute winner for may people as a simple Google search will demonstrate that a huge amount of people are looking for this solution.

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Hi @Kevin38 :wave:

A huge thank you for such a thorough description of your case!

We already have a similar request in the Wishlist and I’ve added your comment there too. All the updates will be posted here :slightly_smiling_face:

There are only very expensive email signature generators for business cases.
None of them is very handy or full of Ads. With your existing tools this should be easy going! :slight_smile:

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Hey @Dennis_Dorr :wave:

We already have a similar request in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the dedicated topic, where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback and, yes, welcome to the Community!

A widget for email signatures where we can add social icons, images, animations, etc.

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Would it be possible to create templates for html signatures on e-mails?

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Hey guys @Quilla @Tiziano_Fontanelli :wave:

We already have a similar idea in the Wishlist! I’ve added your comment to the related thread where we’ll keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:

Many thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

Email Signature with the ff. elements:

I would like to request the creation of a custom email signature that includes the following elements:

  • Links
  • Social media icons
  • Call and email buttons
  • Animated text
  • Photo
  • GIF
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Greetings @Xane_Andrino1 :wave:

Thank you for the detailed description of your case!

We already have such an idea in the Wishlist. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you posted :slightly_smiling_face:

Something like it would be awesome!!


Awesome! Thanks for sharing an example and welcome to the Community :wink:

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Here you can have a look of how they are doing and get some inspiration and new ideas -


Would love to get a widget for Gmail email signature so that it doesn’t attach all of the icons to the bottom of the email, it’s easy to update links and looks professional.

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Hey there and welcome aboard, @Felipa_Cespedes :wave:

Great news - this app is already on the Wishlist! I’ve merged your comment with the topic where we’ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face:


Make something like Wise Stamp!

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Hi there, @BHC_Marketing :wave:

Many thanks for your feedback!

We already have a request for the Email Signature app. I’ve moved your comment to the related thread, where we’ll keep you in the loop :slightly_smiling_face: