Where are Trustpilot reviews? [And why we won't add them]


Has the Trustpilot Widget been removed?

I am a customer in Ireland.


Same problem in England/UK

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Hello folks!

Thank you for raising this question, I’ll try my best to provide the explanation on what’s going on with the reviews from Trustpilot.

The thing is that Trustpilot has no intention to allow you to exploit your reviews for free or at an affordable price. So you drive traffic to Trustpilot and boost the content creation there by asking your clients to leave a review, but Trustpilot claims that you do not own these reviews and can’t place them on your website with a tool of your choice. The only way to make it happen is to pay $225 per month (in case of annual subscription) to Trustpilot.

Moreover, If you use a 3-d party app to showcase your reviews without the above-mentioned 225-bucks subscription, Trustpilot makes a threat via personal email that your page can be deleted. It is noteworthy that we have not so many customers needing to use our widget, but apparently Trustpilot is eager to tie every user to their own subscription.

We strongly disagree with Trustpilot’s position, and we believe it’s quite unfair to sell something your users took a hand in creating as well, let alone such an exorbitant price. Trustpilot bites the hand that feeds them (their clients, obviously), and we reckon such a behavior towards the users might well damage Trustpilot’s great reputation in one day because of excessive greed.

It was anything but easy, but we decided to shut down our widget in order not to set our customers up.

We’re immensely sorry and disappointed about this, but we think you, our users, have all the rights to know the facts of the matter.

:question:And what are your thoughts about this situation? We’ll be happy to learn what you think about it!:question:


I paid Trustpilot subscription for one year. My advice, stay clear of Trustpilot. Better user Google review. It is free! Trustpilot is expensive. Trustpilot employees are arrogant. I have never seen such behavior in a net company. Internet doesn’t need them at all.


Hi Stan!

Really sorry about your negative experience! We’re also sort of overwhelmed and perplexed by such behavior from a customer-centric company. Hopefully, they will consider their goals and approaches so not to scare away their prospect customers.

Thank you for sharing! I hope you’re good now and nothing of this kind bothers you :slight_smile:

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Trustpilot’s so called “integrity” team has also been trying to force us into their overpaid subscription just to display our users reviews on our website, despite the fact we’re not using the Trustpilot brand.

According to their own legal terms:

What we each own: We own everything we’ve put into our services except content owned by others, like the reviews on our platform which are owned by the reviewers who created them and any data you provide us when sending invitations to your consumers. Our ownership includes rights in the design, compilation, and look and feel of our services. It also includes rights in all copyrighted works, registered and unregistered trademarks, designs, code, inventions, and other intellectual property. You agree not to copy, distribute, modify or make derivative works of any of our content or use any of our intellectual property rights in any way not expressly permitted by us. This means you are not allowed to use our logos, graphics, and trademarks (“ brand marks ”) or any other content on our platform like TrustScores and reviews unless we specifically say you are authorised to use them.

In other words, they do not own users reviews. They own their brand (name, logo, and so on) and their “TrustScores” widgets, but that’s it. We should be allowed to display users reviews as long as we’re not using the Trustpilot brand.

In the many emails we had with them repeating this, they always just ignore the point and instead threat us with alerts and legal actions.

Needless to say we’re extremely disappointed with Trustpilot’s behavior. For people looking for alternatives, Yotpo looks nice and is cheap (Pricing & Plans | Yotpo).

Importantly, Yotpo allows importing reviews from Trustpilot. We’re waiting for Elfsight to have their Yotpo widget ready so that we can migrate.


Hey and thanks a lot for sharing!

It seems there are quite a lot of disappointed customers, and the way Trustpilot treats their own clients sounds absolutely outrageous. We’ve also been fighting for several months, but as you can see could not reach a compromise.

As for the Yotpo widget, we do have such a request in our wishlist, and you’re welcome to vote for it here: Yotpo Reviews | Feature Wishlist


^^What Stan said.

Change over to Google Business Reviews. Won’t cost you a bean.

Will also help with potential stars on Google SERPS.

We have always felt TrustPilot just price-gouge. Their offering is no better in the public’s mind to a Google Review in our opinion.


@TradePrintingUK thank you for sharing your experience!

I really hope that you don’t regret the change and everything works as expected now.

Anyways, it’s a pretty sad situation, but maybe this thread will pave the way for the brighter future :slight_smile:

And yes, welcome to the community, happy to have you join, Mark! :hugs:


I would like to display Google Reviews and Trustpilot reviews on the same carousel.


Hi @user1549 and thank you for your idea!

As much as we’d love to make it, I’m afraid it’s not going to happen :frowning:

You can find more regarding this issue in this thread: Where are Trustpilot reviews?

But thank you anyways for your help!

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Where is the Trustpilot widget?


Hi @Meraj!

I’ve merged your question with this one where we explain why we don’t support Trustpilot source any longer :frowning:

Just in case, here’s the thread with the discussion about the root of the issue: Where are Trustpilot reviews?


I would like to display Google Reviews and Trustpilot reviews on the same carousel.


Hi @user1635 and thanks a lot for your comment!

As much as we’d love to make it happen, I’m afraid there is no way we can add Trustpilot source to our app :frowning:

I’ve moved your comment to the thread where we explain why this is not any longer possible.

Thank you anyways for your help and for joining our community!

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I cannot find trustpilot widget


Hi @user1779, welcome to the Elfsight Community!

I’m really sorry but we will not able to build a Trustpilot Reviews app :frowning:

I’ve moved your request to the thread where we explain the reasons for this decision :pray:t2:


I need Trust pilot I dnt see but all the youtube channels say it is here


Hi @user1831 happy to see you in the Elfsight community!

I’m really sorry but we will not able to build a Trustpilot Reviews app :frowning:

I’ve moved your request to the thread where we explain the reasons for this decision :pray:t2:

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Please develop the review widget for including the TrustPilot reviews under the apps section.