What kinds of issues to talk about

Choose the some topic


Hey @user132 and welcome to the forum!

Am I right that you’d love to talk about marketing? Maybe you’d love to discuss particular questions? :slight_smile:

I want to make a money but how i can make money for my account

and my second topic is a about the love

Hi @user132, agreed, money is a matter of great importance at all times :slight_smile:

I’m not sure about the love, but I guess we could help you with making money! Have you heard about our Affiliate program?
You promote our widgets, and we pay a 30% commission of your each referral. Plus, we support you every step of the way, provide with all required materials and assist with any questions you might have :slight_smile:

If you’d love to find out more, just let me know!

Okay iam ready to make money but how i can make money, help me the way i can makey money and the materials to make and i can get the commission my sister

@user132 , thanks for your reply! Great, our affiliate manager @Olga will be happy to contact you and provide the details regarding our affiliate program :slight_smile:

I do hope you’ll want to give it a go :wink:

Okay when you give me the 30%

Im also interested in making money. Let me have the options available. Do you have products that are marketed through MLM ?. I can be appointed as Director to oversee such in my cotry
I still seek remote jobs. My interest are food safety, green solutions Willing to represent manufacturers in these areas

@user1241 I guess the only option I can advise here is to check out our Affiliate Program, where you can earn real money by promoting our widgets :slight_smile:

We have a dedicated category here, so if any questions come up regarding the program, you’re welcome to ask them in Elfsight Affiliates - Elfsight Community category :slight_smile:

marketing and love! lol :smiley:


@user3317 Welcome to love & marketing ranks :smile:

These topics seem to be the most demanded, and we are open for discussion.

In case you are actually interested in marketing, please share some specific questions you’d like to be covered. We’ll be happy to advise :raised_hands: