Weekly update: PDF Embed, File Embed, Google Maps, Reviews

Hello guys, I hope you are still nice :crazy_face:!

If you asked me to describe this week, I would say “productive and unique”.

So, we’ve prepared for you several important updates on PDF Embed, File Embed, Google Maps and Reviews.

Please wear your best clothes :necktie: :high_heel: bring a good mood :star_struck: take your best friend :man_beard: and let’s get this party started :mirror_ball:.

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PDF and File Embed :top:

  • New: PDF and File Embed are now available on the new configurator :fire:

Google Maps :earth_africa:

  • New: Improved clustering logic in Google Maps.

Previously, when clusters were formed, depending on the order in which the widget was added by the owner, locations sometimes fell into a more distant cluster. Now clusters should be formed correctly.

Reviews :pen:

  • New: The script size loaded on your websites has been reduced by 31% for all Reviews apps :muscle:, so the script loading speed increased by 35%.

That’s all for today :roll_eyes:. We hope your widgets work perfectly fine, and if you have any feedback regarding the update, please do not hesitate to share it here :slightly_smiling_face: