Unable to import reviews from Facebook using my facebook Url

  • Issue description:
    I am unable to get reviews from my Facebook page after pasting my link. Need Help.
  • Link to the page with the widget in question:
  • Here’s ;ink to my facebook page: R-Kay Performance
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Facing same issue when creating widget and the reviews don’t pull. Here’s my facebook page: R-Kay Performance I need help please

Hi @Yvon_Freeman, welcome to the community!

I’m already looking into this :eyes:

Okay, Please I really need urgent help as I am testing out your service and looking for a solution for my business.

Thanks & Regards

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It seems there are technical issues on our end, and we’ll be able to try to collect the reviews from your Facebook page in an hour or two :sweat:

I’m very sorry for this frustrating situation. I’ll keep your request under my control so I can let you know as soon as the issue is fixed :pray:t2:

Kindly let me know once the issue has been resolved.
Thanks & Regards

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Thanks a lot for your patience, @Yvon_Freeman!

The issue is fixed, and the reviews appeared in the widget :slight_smile:

Could you please check and let me know if everything’s fine on your end?

Hello, I think everything works okay now. I will use for a few days before upgrading to the paid plan. Hoping everything works as it should.

Thanks & Regards

Great, I hope you’ll love your experience with our widget! And we’re always here in case of any questions :slight_smile: