Timezone Issue


  1. I’m living in Aruba, and right now it’s 3.10 am here, and I added days and timing as Monday - Saturday 8 am - 5 pm. Which mean according to Aruba, when it’s Monday - Saturday 8 am - 5 pm - I’m available on WhatsApp.

  2. Right now it’s 12.40 pm in India - but WhatsApp is visible on my website which means people can send me a message from India because it’s 12.40 pm there while it’s 3.10 am in Aruba.

To resolve this issue, there should be a time zone option so admin can choose according to which timezone WhatsApp should be visible for visitors.

Thank you.

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Original Votes: 3

The feature has been released! :tada:

This is where you will find it:

  1. Go to your widget’s Settings tab
  2. Find Chat Display Settings section
  3. Choose Date and Time section
  4. Enable Set the Time Schedule
  5. Set Time Zone

Check the widget in full in our Whatsapp Chat online demo (Whatsapp Chat - Add Whatsapp Widget to website (fast and free)) !

Feel free to share your thoughts regarding this feature in comments below :blush: