The FAQ doesn`t control with width

i trt to using a F&Q widget but i notice that we con`t control with widget

for example

if i want to put the widget in the middle of the page not a whole width page

like this i wish

notice here how ellsight widget show on my website


Oh, I’m very sorry about this, @Youssef1!

Can you please send the link to the page where you installed the FAQ widget? I’ll be happy to help :slight_smile:

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@Youssef1, we’ve added the following CSS code to your widget Custom CSS section:

.global-styles, #block-118346186 {
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

Could you please check your website now?

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wow , thanks you

how can make this widget right to left to write on arabic language ?


also i put the another F&Q widget to my website it`s the same problem

here the link ? and i want to be like prevous page that you are make

here the link :

-make the width on the middle of page
-make a write form right to left ?

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Great that you love the result!

I’ve added this CSS code to your widget as well to make it RTL:

    direction: rtl;

These two codes have to be added to each FAQ widget you create :slight_smile:

Here’s where you can add these codes:


thanks but the second widget that i am created still need to be on the middle of the page

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Yes, could you please add this CSS code to this widget as well?

.global-styles, #block-118346186 {
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

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the same

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i want to bw like this

is there any help ?


Dear Youssef, my apologies for this delay! :pray:t2:

We’ve altered the first code, so now it works for any FAQ widget, here it is:

.global-styles, .eapps-faq {
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

Could you please check your website and let me know if everything’s fine?

it`s the same no changes

Yeah, this widget had the first code – I’ve replaced it with the new one which I sent in my previous message, and all is good now :slight_smile:

Could you please check?

wow it`s work now

thanks a lots

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Awesome! Thank you for the update, I’m happy that you’re good now :hugs:

Feel free to contact us if any other help is needed!