Testimonials Slider: [Major Update] Mobile responsiveness, numerous layout improvements + 1 new layout

Fantastic news, guys!

We’ve updated all the layouts in our Testimonials Slider and even added a new one - Slider! Now, you can enjoy enhanced customization options for columns and rows, making your widgets mobile-friendly.

Are you ready to explore all the features? Let’s delve into this :rocket:

Grid, Masonry layouts

Set number of columns for 5 screen resolutions (Auto mode was kept)

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Set number of rows (Grid) and items per page (Masonry) on mobile and desktop



Show/Hide Load More button


Carousel Layout

Set number of columns for 5 screen resolutions (Auto mode was kept)

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Set number of rows for desktop and mobile. Also, Pause on Hover feature was added to Auto Play popup

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In the Animation popup you can adjust the speed of Slider switching

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Scroll Mode (Per item / Per page)

Show/Hide Arrows on Mobile

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Enable/Disable Swipe Navigation for desktop and mobile

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RTL is supported now


Advanced customization setting for Navigation Arrows

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Slider layout

It’s our new layout, so let’s check what settings are available here:


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Animation Speed

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Display/Hide Pagination

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Navigation Arrows

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Enable/Disable Swipe Navigation for desktop and mobile

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Advanced customization options for Navigation Arrows and Pagination

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Badge layouts

Not everybody knows, but List layout settings control the reviews in the badge opening pane. Previously, you had to go to the List layout to adjust the settings, which wasn't intuitive and convenient. To improve this, we added List section to the Badge layout settings

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Guys, did you like the new layouts? Don’t shay away from sharing your experience with us - we always love hearing from you :wink:

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