Testimonial container not adjusting height on mobile

  • Issue description:

  • Link to the page with the widget in question:

I have tried everything to make the height of the testimonial container adjust automatically to the screen size of mobile but with no luck !


Hi @Dreemr :wave:

I’ve checked your website on mobile and the widget looks neat:

Could you please check your website in incognito mode?

If the issue still persists, please share a screenshot of how it looks on your end :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are looking on the wrong page, that container was not stretched out by width, i was doing an experiment. I uploaded a photo from the homescreen,

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No matter how much I try and edit the size of the height of the widget I cannot ;(


Thank you so much!

Your request is with our devs now. I’ll get back to you tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Dreemr :wave:

Thank you for waiting!

I’ve talked to the devs and to remove the scrollbars on mobile, you need to stretch the widget’s container for the desktop version. Keep in mind, that an empty space might appear on the desktop below the widget, but it is the only workaround we can suggest in this case.

If this option is good for you, we’ll be happy to help. To do this, we need temporary access to your website’s backend. Here is an article explaining how you can do this - Providing access to your Google Sites website - Elfsight Help Center.

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Here is a CSS styling people can add directly in elfsights that considerably improves mobile view.

.elfsight-app-[insert ID] {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: 0px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;


Hi @Dreemr :wave:

Thanks for sharing your solution!

You’ve used this code for your Testimonials Slider widget installed in this website, right?

I just wanted to see how it works, but when checking your widgets couldn’t find this code in the settings.

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I used this CSS style code for the pricing table and it added a few centimetres of height, it also works for testimonial but layout must be set to list, doesn’t work on slider. The link I am sharing is where I test CSS


Hm, I’ve checked the settings of the widget (Angowebsites pricing 2024 Copy) installed on this page and haven’t found this CSS code there.

Additionally, I’ve tried to test and couldn’t see any changes. Am I missing something?

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